Why you probably still need some single use paper menus

QR Codes Restaurant Menus

While QR code menus are a great way to reduce the cost of printing and use of single use paper, there are still some cases that will require you to have single use printed copies on hand:

  • Customers who do not have a mobile device or a device compatible with scanning QR codes or who do not wish to scan it.
  • If there are technical difficulties.
  • In many cases, you may also be required by law to have printed copies available for those with disabilities that might prevent them from using a mobile device to view a menu. Be sure to remind staff that customers can still have a printed version if they wish.

In general, a good rule of thumb is to have at least enough single use paper menus on hand so that every seat in the restaurant can have one (this would be especially important in the event of a technology issue). You may also want to play it safer and double or even triple that amount.

However, keep in mind that your supply of single use menus will likely not be used nearly as fast as if everyone is getting one, which would significantly cut down on your printing costs and use of single use paper.

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