Content Policy


  • By registering to use qReveal services, account holders are solely responsible for the content uploaded to qReveal services and understand that content uploaded may be displayed publicly.
  • Account holders are strongly encouraged not to upload content that contains personal, confidential or sensitive information, especially without written permission.
  • Account holders understand that by including any content within qReveal services, that this content is not endorsed or approved by qReveal and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of qReveal, its employees or agents. 

Prohibited content

Under no circumstance may any user upload content or links to content that contains:

  • Copyrighted material or the intellectual properties of others that you do not have the authorization to post or distribute. 
  • Sensitive or confidential information.
  • Photos, names or other information about of individuals that you do not have permission to post except such uses that fall under fair use or satire.
  • Profanity, racial slurs, insults, hate speech or any other offensive content.
  • Sexual content.
  • Nudity or partial nudity of any kind or graphical representations of genitalia including artistic depictions of such. 
  • Pornography or erotica.
  • Content that discriminates against any age, sex or gender, race, creed, religion, ethnic group, natural origin, indigenous population, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, veteran status or other protected group.
  • References or instructions for committing criminal acts of any kind, death threats violence, bullying or suicide.
  • Any content involving threats of or actual violence or bullying against any individual, group or facility.
  • Another other content that qReveal, at its sole and final discretion, determines to be unsuitable for a general audience.

Sensitive content

The following types of content are permitted but may require special disclaimers or other notations depending on your locale:

  • Cannabis, CBD and hemp products or derived products or related products and services
  • Legal drug paraphernalia or related products and services
  • Cigarettes, cigars, vaping, tobacco, nicotine products or related products and services
  • Raw or undercooked food
  • Food or beverages subject to special import or export regulations or restrictions
  • Food or beverages that may cause adverse, allergic or extreme reactions upon contact or consumption
  • Products and services that are legal but subject to advertising limitations or restrictions
  • Products or services subject to performance by a licensed professional
  • Medical products or services designed for the treatment, prevention or cure of a specific disease or condition
  • Products or services that contain chemicals, toxins, carcinogens or other elements that may require consumer notification
  • Product or service photography or imagery, especially the use of stock, edited or modified images or images that feature substitutions for actual products or services
  • Any other product or service subject to local regulation, licensure or law
  • Another other content that qReveal, at its sole and final discretion, determines to be regulated or quasi-regulated.

Please note that posting content in these categories is subject to local laws or regulations. If the sale, advertising or transfer of such products or services is illegal in your region, you cannot post references to it.

qReveal cannot provide advice as to what disclaimers are required or what regulations your business may be subject to. Please consult a qualified legal professional.

Please note that this list is not definitive. qReveal reserves the right, at its sole and final discretion, to determine if any content violates these terms. qReveal may, but is not obligated to, delete content that it determines violates these guidelines without notice and to discontinue, without notice, any account that is discovered to be posting such content. qReveal may also, but is not obligated to, monitor what content is posted from user accounts.

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