Mobile first and friendly design for QR code menus & price lists

Familiar design that maximizes mobile screens

qReveal QR code menus and digital price lists leverage a mobile friendly design that gives your customers a familiar feel and maximizes small screen space.

The design adapts to match the default typography of a user’s operating system, making it like it’s been built in to the device — even though there’s no software or apps required. Fonts are also clear and easy to read with generous spacing to make it easy to scan through lists of items.

Your customers will feel right at home with the app-like boxes and buttons.

We’ve also maximized screen space by using horizontal rows of “cards” that users can quickly swipe through to find the right menu or menu category or price list and category.

Mobile friendly design highlights
  • Easy to read typography
  • Familiar look and feel that mobile users will recognize
  • Uses swiping and scrolling for a sleek experience
Create your free touchless QR menu or price list

Start building your free mobile menu or price list.

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