Menu alternative that's CDC friendly

Create another layer of safety for guests & staff

While no one can guarantee that any surface or public place is coronavirus free, there are many steps recommended by the CDC to help keep everyone safe by adding additional “rings of safety.”

Digital menus are a great way to eliminate high touch shared surfaces as the CDC recommends since users scan a QR code without any contact and view the menu on their personal mobile device, without ever having to come into contact with a printed menu that someone else may have touched.

Combined with other safety measures by both your guests and staff, a digital menu is a great way to make show your business is on the cutting edge of making the health and safety of everyone a priority.

Why digital menus are better during COVID-19
  • Guests use their own mobile device
  • Reduce touch points and cleaning
  • More eco-friendly than single use paper menus
Create your free touchless QR CDC friendly menu

Get started with your free QR touchless CDC friendly menu.

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